The Metaverse: A Beginner’s Guide to NFTs, Gaming & More
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Article Writing Brief
This article analyzes and answers the following statement/ question:
“The Metaverse is a theoretical revolution of the Internet as a multiple universal, and immersive virtual world that is accessed by the use of virtual reality and augmented reality headsets.”
Sample From This Article
“Gaming has become a major pastime for millions of people across the world. At the beginning of the 21st century, only about 1-2% of the world’s population were considered gamers. By 2021, about a third of the world’s population can be considered players, and by 2040, experts estimate and suggest that half of the world’s population will be gamers.”
Referencing Used
The Referencing style used with this article:
- Minimum 4 x credible, peer-reviewed articles and respected websites
- 1 x free/ full rights image courtesy of Unsplash
- A separate, formatted Reference section is at the end of the article
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