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5 Key Skills Every Technical Writer Should Have

5 Key Skills Every Technical Writer Should Have

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Technical writers simplify complex, technical information into layman’s terms. But while a thorough understanding of grammar and good writing skills are essential, technical writers require more than that. 

In this article, we will discuss the key skills you require to improve your writing and become an excellent technical writer. 

Key Skills You Should Have as a Technical Writer

Technical Knowledge

Technical knowledge is a prerequisite for being a good writer in the said niche. During your research, you come across jargon that you must be able to understand or at least look up and comprehend the meaning of. Without a passion for the technical niche, you won’t be able to convey these complex terms in simple words. 

For example, a troubleshooting guide about Windows requires specialized knowledge about the software. Similarly, an article about heart surgery needs a thorough understanding of medical terms. Such knowledge can only be developed by spending considerable time studying the subject. 

Most technical writers achieve this expertise by niching down. Whether engineering or medicine, writing multiple articles only in a particular niche eventually gives writers authority on the subject. So, while you figure out your niche, you can ask a professional paper writing service to write my essay so that you don’t miss any assignment deadline. 

Research Skills

Usually, technical writers aren’t subject matter experts in a given field. However, they develop excellent research skills to write a well-informed article. Good research forms your writing base, especially when the topic is unfamiliar. 

Before you begin your research, formulate a framework to decide what information to include. Then, identify the sources of information and organize the data according to the outline. 

Though a Google search gives access to lots of information, that shouldn’t be the only component of your research. Technical writing requires accurate information from reliable sources, something conventional search engines might miss. 

Instead, browse reports and research papers through Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and other educational databases. And if you have access, it is good to refer to books, whether hard or e-copies. Sometimes, books contain information that isn’t freely available on the internet, especially about technical topics. 

However, ensure that all the data is up to date. Topics such as technology and medicine evolve at a fast pace, which means even a year-old article may not be credible on a given date. 

Audience Analysis

Analyzing your audience is crucial for the proper presentation of technical information. What age group or professional positions do they belong to? Do they understand technical terms? Understanding the knowledge level of your readers is key to determining the usage of language and words in your writing.

A reader already acquainted with the topic may not need in-depth definitions of all the technical terms. However, a new reader may be confused if you use technical jargon. 

Similarly, a product report requires the use of specific terms, while beginner’s guides are best written in layman’s terms. When writing technical articles, you need to ensure that the information is conveyed to the audience at their level of understanding. 

Before starting a technical piece, consider your audience’s needs and expectations from the article. For example, do they seek information or solutions? Are they beginners or experts in the field? Do they have any specialized knowledge on the subject? 

Answering such questions gives you a brief idea about your target audience and ensures that the article meets their expectations.

Technical Writing Skills

As a technical writer, you need to understand various writing formats, such as user manuals, product reports, etc. While some gigs allow the writers to be creative, most technical projects follow a strict writing format. 

For example, a user manual has instructions on how to install or use a product. Similarly, case studies contain information on how a particular problem was solved through the company’s solutions. Each of these has specific writing formats that a technical writer needs to know. 

However, all technical writing formats depend on the clarity of the text. A user manual with too many complex terms fails to meet its purpose as the end-user may not understand it. A good technical writer maintains a balance between jargon and simple language while sticking to the boundaries of the writing format. 

Usage of Digital Tools

Nowadays, technical writing isn’t only about writing but also about the presentation. And this includes the design and visual representation of the project. As a result, technical writers are expected to be well-versed in using digital tools for writing, designing, and editing. 

While all writers use writing tools such as MS Word and Google Docs, you can polish your writing through editing tools like Grammarly and Hemmingway. These tools correct grammar mistakes and increase the readability of your article. 

In addition, you also need a basic understanding of Adobe Photoshop and Canva. These tools are helpful for visual designing, which you may require for some of your projects. For example, you can better demonstrate the working of a product by a graphic than by words. In such cases, visual designing skills come in handy. 

Ace the Technical Writing

Practice and persistence make a great writer. But what makes them even better is honing their skills. While technical writing is ever-evolving, the above skills are a staple for all writers in this field. With constant practice and a little patience, you can acquire the above skills and master the art of technical writing.

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Technical Writers in the Development Cycle: Agile vs Waterfall

Technical Writers in the Development Cycle: Agile vs Waterfall

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Project team members’ grasp of the technical specifics underpinning a project management methodology can sometimes resemble a native speaker’s grasp of grammar. On the surface, it seems more than adequate, but don’t ask them to explain the present perfect continuous.

Does your team use Extreme Programming or Kanban or some other method?

Waterfall and agile (with its numerous variants, of which scrum is perhaps the most well-known) are two modes of project management that have been dominant in the software industry over the past number of years. (Whether they constitute a process or methodology or something else entirely is not dealt with in this post). If you were to visualise the two approaches on a timeline graph, the waterfall approach would precede agile and be gradually overtaken by it – agile proving the more adaptable option in the IT space.

Here we’ll take a quick look at the defining features of each and then ask how we as technical writers find our roles improved or made more difficult depending on how our projects are governed.

Step by Step: Waterfall

Essentially, this method of project management relies on a sequential process of steps, with each one building on all the previous ones to finally reach the desired end point and delivery of the finished product. When you visualise the waterfall, don’t imagine the single torrent of Niagara but rather the sequential toppling of a waterfall-like the Ebor Falls. In software development, top to bottom typically proceeds through 6-8 steps, for example:

While this approach can work well in cases where there is a very clear and unchanging endpoint in mind, it may be somewhat cumbersome for the fast-changing nature of the software industry. Once your project has begun its path, it is difficult and time-consuming to initiate any deviation from what was originally planned. A significant change may simply mean starting over.

As regards documentation, the waterfall approach can produce a lot of internal content before we get near anything customer-facing: high-level plans, detailed plans, technical specs, architecture graphics, and so on. For technical writers whose main focus is not the internal project documentation but rather the customer-facing elements such as help documents, installation guides, and security guides, there can be a significant lead time between project initiation and availability of raw material. While it may be possible to draw up quality plans, work on the text elements of UI mockups, and investigate requirements during this period, in practice, it can simply mean biding your time.

Round and Round: Agile

Agile methodology arose largely in response to the inefficiencies of the waterfall approach. It prioritises iterative development and is well suited to the fluid nature of changing requirements and technologies typical of IT.

Internally, agile strives to produce as little waste as possible. The mounds of files and documents that typify the planning of a waterfall project are done away with in favour of documentation-light short cycles, each one being a mini end in itself. The specifics of how each cycle or module is handled may vary depending on the specific agile practices employed, but the underlying trends are the same. In scrum, a sprint is typically a two-week cycle, at the end of which it should be possible to deploy a working piece of software that addresses the specific backlog items (requirements). At the end of the two-week block, the progress is reviewed and any outstanding requirements may form part of the requirements for the next two-week cycle. During the sprint review and planning processes, it is possible to adapt to changing customer requirements and preferences – there is no final endpoint set in stone. It is also possible to have customer feedback at the end of sprint cycles and incorporate their input in further iterations.

From a documentation point of view, the process can march along in step with development to a greater degree than it could with the traditional waterfall approach. Help documents, videos, and diagrams can be included as specific requirements for a sprint cycle, and their inclusion in a working iteration of software may be considered necessary for that iteration to be complete.

Is Agile the Way Forward?

Apart from the difference in volume and timing outlined above, there are several other differences between waterfall and agile methodologies that affect writers. As the trend is for more teams to opt for an agile approach, let’s take a look at some of its advantages.

Focuses on User-Oriented Tasks

User-friendly and user-centric are adjectives that we would all like to be able to apply to our user assistance content. Working from traditional technical specs, this can involve a lot of battering square pegs into round holes, or a series of emails full of searching questions. With scrum, the backlog items that form the worklist for a single iteration are often presented as ‘user stories’. Immediately, the focus is on what the user needs to accomplish. This is a good first step in creating quality task-oriented documentation.

Promotes Minimalism

The focus of agile processes on ‘just in time’ and ‘just enough’ encourages writers to think along the lines of less being really more. This means that minimalism as a documentation principle lines up very well with the whole agile approach and actively encourages it.

Brings Writers into the Development Team

Small teams working closely together, with daily stand-up meetings and a minimal amount of guiding internal documentation, mean that technical writers may be presented with the perfect opportunity to become an integral part of their development team. The lack of definitive overarching schemas means that the only way to figure out what’s going on is to ask.

Tips for Technical Writers Starting with Agile

Clearly, there are many advantages to agile. However, there are also a few key points that writers should bear in mind when starting to work with teams using this approach.

Manage Time Carefully

While there are rewards to be gained from closer interaction with development, we must also acknowledge that writers are typically assigned to more than one team. It won’t be possible to join every meeting or sprint review call so there is an onus on writers to use careful judgement in how they allocate their time.

Flag Larger Tasks in Advance

While the documentation of backlog items may proceed in step with development, writers may still find themselves faced with a heavy workload towards the end of the development cycle as guides, implementation, and customisation documents need to be produced. To try and avoid this, careful planning needs to be done across the various cycles to divide out the workload in a sensible sequence. Writers need to flag these tasks well in advance to ensure they’re taken into account.

Include Overall Quality Reviews

Each sprint iteration may produce a piece of finished software, but writers must be careful not to overlook the need for an overall review step to ensure accuracy and adherence to standards. The more incremental accretion of documentation should mean that this is a more manageable task than when employing waterfall practices.

Accept Change Gracefully

As iterations progress, we may find that some content is created only to be left aside as the particular aspects of the software are modified or discarded altogether. This can be frustrating, but it is ultimately to the benefit of the user’s experience of the product, and the likelihood is that relatively little effort is actually wasted.

Conclusions From the Real World on Agile vs Waterfall

To put some anecdotal flesh on the bones of the above paragraphs, we asked some of our writers who have experience with both approaches to elaborate on their feelings towards each. The responses suggest that most writers find themselves working more and more in an agile environment:

When I started out, the approach was most definitely leaning strongly toward the waterfall approach […] everything now is pretty much leaning toward [agile].

The reactions were generally positive, but there are occasions when the specifics of a project’s deliverables or timeline mean that agile may not be the most appropriate model. Agile is the preferred option for fast-moving projects with quick turnaround times and some volatility in expectations, and waterfall for longer, more considered and in-depth deliverables:

For certain deliverables (for example, courseware), waterfall works better, with maybe a little bit of agile thrown in.

Illustrating the point with an interesting analogy, one of our colleagues remarked:

A writer on an agile project is a bit like a journalist and a writer on a waterfall project is more like a historian.

In terms of team dynamics and interaction, agile is a clear winner, even when writers and developers are not co-located:

I was much more integrated into the Dev teams when I worked on agile projects. I attended the sprint meetings and provided updates. I also attended the sprint planning meeting.

In the end, we can say that the best approach is the one that best suits the combination of team members and project deliverables. An awareness of how our working mode affects our interaction and output is a good first start in finding that sweet spot that comes with good working relationships and achieved milestones. We’d be interested to hear your thoughts about how different modes of work and interaction impact your role as a documentation specialist.

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Best Practices for Creating Developer Documentation

Best Practices for Creating Developer Documentation

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Written by: Elmira

Developer documentation is the foundation for every new mobile or web app. This is due to the process of constant integration that rules today’s IT world. Isolated software simply does not exist anymore. It means that many identical or similar features (code elements) are copied and reproduced. If your company developers are smart enough, they will not write the code from scratch each time. Efficient developer documentation can help you write less code and save time for creative work.

What Is Developer Documentation?

Developer documentation is all the documents your tech writers create to support your product at all stages, from getting acquainted with the product to its full incorporation into your client’s system. These stages make the document development life cycle (DDLC).

  • For example, at the initial stage, the information is usually represented by a Getting Started Guide or a QSG (Quick Start Guide) that will walk you through the first overview stage. It can include installation, authentication, setup, requirements issues, etc. Information can be represented in cases that can help you get a deeper insight into the product. For instance, your users can learn how to integrate a WhatsApp API into their system to reach their users via WhatsApp.
  • After familiarizing yourself with the product, you will need a close-up view to continue learning. At this stage, you will need language-specific documentation (source code docs) that will help you in the process of writing. You will need to choose a language of the partner system that will be compatible with the target software.
  • UX docs (User scenarios, User personas, User style guide, etc.) are also required at this stage, as you will have to make your app user-friendly. To achieve this, it is necessary to elaborate user scenarios or user maps to optimize the users’ movement. User personas can be an important source of information as they explain the users’ way of thinking, goals, and interests.
  • At the final stage, you will need reports and metrics to assess software functionality. The most common quality assurance documentation types are quality management plan, test strategy, test plan, test checklists, etc.

Your devs usually get an SDK (Software Development Kit) from the product developer you are interested in. It looks like a package of libraries with the help of which the user can start working immediately. The ready-made libraries will allow you to reuse high-quality code multiple times. A usable SDK can reproduce a sample code in different contexts.

Components of Great Developer Documentation

API documentation is like ‘bricks’ for developer documentation. API stands for Application Programming Interface. It facilitates creating new applications for interaction with the target program. A developer can combine and configure various APIs to make the product more attractive for the user and integrate it with the other APIs.

A simple example of an API we use in our everyday lives is an API that helps you to refresh your page on social media like Facebook or Instagram. You pull down your page to refresh and see a spinny wheel. This is what a simple user actually sees. In fact, in this very couple of seconds, you have contacted the Facebook or Instagram API and made a request to refresh the timeline. The result is new photos and posts from your friends and pages you follow.

Best Practices for Developer Documentation

Writing technical documentation requires a technical background from the author. A technical writer has to be able to ‘walk in the shoes’ of users and developers. If they have no such superpower, this can cause many mistakes.

Most such mistakes refer to misusing terminology or understanding of the process. To avoid this, some companies let engineers write SDKs themselves. In this case, the amount of technical mistakes is sure to drop. However, the developers’ writing skills are often far from perfect. Sometimes, they have no idea about writing style and don’t know what a document should look like.

So, the best practice is to ensure collaboration between technical writers and engineers. You should let those who write sneak a peek at the development process. At the same time, you should try to involve developers in reviewing the created texts.

It is also advisable to divide code documentation into two main clusters: coding and testing docs. The former describes a code used for a digital product. Coding documentation shows how the software works to developers and product owners. It is here that assistance from technical specialists is especially important for writers who sometimes cannot explain complex sections of a code and need help.

Testing documentation is another cluster. It is part of the quality assurance process. It helps to explain how a product is validated. There are different types of documents that refer to the testing process, for example, Test Plan, Test Procedure Description, Test Summary Report, etc.

From the user’s viewpoint, too many documents make things too complicated. People like products that can be used intuitively. The main advice here is to give just enough content but of high quality.

Mind that users won’t read documents that look like a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics. So, avoid technical jargon and present information in a simple, reader-friendly manner.

Cross-linking can make the information more comprehensible while reducing the amount of text dedicated to one issue. To find information on a related topic, readers can click a link and explore the issue in more detail.

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